The Digital First Impression

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The Digital First Impression

Of course, I have a lot of opinions… I am a writer.  So, when it comes to websites… especially how often a company should take the time and update their website, I won’t hold my tongue.  If you flat out ask me, I will refer you to Will Rogers, Oscar Wilde, or William Safire, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”.  Your company website is most likely your first interaction with a customer, and sometimes it is the only interaction that you will ever have.  It is the first place a customer comes to learn about you and what your company does.  Keeping your website up-to-date is one of the most critical things that you can add into your busy schedule.  It will ensure that your first impression makes a positive impact on your audience and customer base.

How often is too often?  Well, how often you update your website will depend on a few key metrics.  How well is your website performing for you?  Is it delivering desired results?  If your website is performing to the max of your capacity to service your customers/clients and you are exceeding customer satisfaction…then your website is operating efficiently and all metrics are performing above standard.

If your website is struggling to perform the functions you need to drive business, you might want to consider making some changes sooner rather than later.  If your site isn’t generating brand awareness, you may find yourself with too few leads to develop a strong audience or customer following.  You may want to consider a redesign, fixating on the pieces of the puzzle that will make an immediate impact, especially when it comes to that critical first impression.  On the other hand, you may be generating enough traffic but no conversions.  Those of you who have worked in the world of retail at one point in time or another, will understand conversion rates better than most.  In retail stores, management will monitor the amount of traffic that walks through their front doors with the use of conversion counters. Management then measures the traffic count versus the conversion of those customers into actual sales by their sales team.  If you think of your website as your silent sales team and it isn’t converting that traffic, you should make changes to create a positive uptick in that metric.  At this point, an update is necessary to reassess content.  Are the keywords on your site relevant?  Are the keywords producing conversion?  By directing the right target audience to your site through the focus of keyword content, you should see an instant lift in conversion rate.

Another question to ask yourself, “is this website user friendly?”  With the average consumer attention span being about 5 seconds, quickly retrieving information or easily navigating your site becomes critical. This loss of interest equates to the redesign of your website, and your response must be prompt. It could be something as simple as an outdated design.  Websites that are still stuck in the 90s, generate problems with credibility and customers will be less inclined to trust doing business with you.  A simple update to your color scheme and design could help regain your customers’ confidence.  Oh, and while focusing on this aspect of the update, remember that most people don’t sit and visit websites on their desktop alone.  Life is mobile, and your website should be too.  This should be at the very top of your update priority list if you find your website outdated.

So, the next time you are pondering on whether or not to update your website… just remember we live in an ever-changing digital world, and as technology changes… people change.  Your audience and their views may have shifted since you first launched your website, so what kind of first impression do you want to make?

Simple Tips for an Impactful First Impression:

  • Make the time once a month, just to open your website and double check all of your content. If you have started something new or are offering a new service, freshen up your site.  Simply, add it.
  • If you have a blog on your website, don’t let it get outdated. Put a reminder on your calendar to post something new every couple of weeks. It doesn’t need to be something long, just something relevant.
  • If you have a Portfolio, Gallery, or Product Catalog… update it!!
  • Remove anything old or outdated when it comes to coupons, specials, or promotions.
  • If you have social media accounts (in this day and age you should), make sure you keep those accounts pertinent too!
  • Make sure your branding across all platforms is consistent.
  • Do not forget to update your Team/Employee pages.
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