Is your company advertising with Facebook? If the answer to this question is no, you may want to consider changing your mind and your answer, to yes. Your company is losing money every day you aren’t advertising on the social media giant. A huge mistake is made when you are not leveraging social media, especially Facebook, as a means of advertising. Your customers spend time on Facebook each and every day. Here is a fun fact for you! 80% of all Internet users, use Facebook. And here is even more food for thought! 65% of adults over the age of 65, use Facebook. So much for that excuse! Grandma actually does use her iPad! Facebook has over 1.85 billion users… Yes, that is billion with a capital “B.” Most Facebook users check their page multiple times per day. So, regardless of who your customer base is, they are using Facebook, and are using it daily. (You can’t tell me that you haven’t sat in a meeting and discreetly checked your Facebook page!)
If you are looking to reach a specific audience base, look no further than Facebook. It has the most targeted form of advertising. If you really know your customer base, especially age, interests, behaviors and location, you can use Facebook advertising to engage them. Engagement involves all of those likes, comments, and interactions on your advertisements. It is extremely important because it shows a bond with your target audience. As people engage with your brand, you build a stronger and stronger connection, and in turn they will become more likely to convert into your customer. Investing in social media management, can also radically increase your engagement numbers through building a social media advertising strategy.
Cost is always a consideration when operating a company, and you will be happy to know that Facebook is the cheapest form of advertising! You can literally spend $5 and reach 1,000 people! Think about it… does it still make sense to spend $5,000 to run that radio ad for a week? Or $12,000 to put up that billboard for 4 weeks? How many people still listen to the radio? This may be an underlying question that you need to think about, because the data and research prove that Facebook advertising works – especially with building brand awareness. Facebook advertising will increase your brand awareness and building your brand awareness is key to your company’s success!
Facebook advertising will drastically build your brand awareness. It is always beneficial to be able to share what you have to offer an audience. The more familiar people are with your brand, the more likely they will purchase your products, and the more likely to build a loyal following. With Facebook advertising, you can easily run a website click campaign to target your audience and send them directly to your website. There are multiple ways to achieve this, however, the precision and cost-effectiveness of Facebook advertising, makes it the most beneficial branding tool you have in your arsenal. It’s not a myth! Facebook actually drives revenue and sales! It will take time and experience, and for those reasons it is important to partner and invest with a social media advertising service. Social media advertising costs for professional management normally range from $400-$800 per month. Therefore, do not just hire an employee to do your social media for you… It is not cost effective and you could easily waste thousands of dollars and not see any return on your investment! So, make smart business decisions! You don’t have to guess! You don’t have to fill out a tally sheet! You don’t have to keep file folders! The results from Facebook advertising are measurable and the numbers will prove it. Reports will show how many impressions, clicks, and conversions your business is receiving. You will need to install a plugin on your website to track activity, but that is something your social media specialist, or web development company, can easily help you do.
We have all heard of the term “Influencer.” Yes, the 21-year-old bikini model who hits up all of the exclusive beach resorts around the world for a free trip, in exchange for posting a single bikini pic on the beach, not even showing the resort. Uh huh, the resort received nothing and that is the exact reason why a lot of resorts are adding an entire informational blurb on their websites to inform Influencers. However, in the business world… when done right, there is no better form of advertising than when an advertisement goes viral. So, why not let your company be an Influencer. If your company’s ads are reaching the right audience, they will share with a friend, and they will share with a friend, and so on. The ability to spread your company’s message through viral content can significantly benefit your business and generate buzz around what your business is doing. Take a moment and just imagine the possibilities… What type of social influence can your company have on the world???